Sunday, September 13, 2009

Impressions of School

So far school has been a great experience. RIT seems to be a great place to learn. Most people put a great deal of effort into their work and the professors seem to know how to teach us the techniques and skills we will need later on in school and in our careers. So far I have learned about; using lines, drawing in detail, making accurate 3D replicas, and how to use Adobe programs best. Although I'm just starting to learn about these subjects, I look foreword to learning more. I'm really excited to learn more about Adobe Photoshop in my computer skills class because it can be a great tool in design and I have always wanted to learn more about it. Knowing how to use Photoshop will be useful in a lot of my future classes. The final projects for many of my classes seem very daunting. I have heard a lot about final projects and their overwhelming amount of work from upperclassmen, and although I'm sure it will be doable, it is very daunting.

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